Flawnter Extended Secrets Finder Extension

Flawnter Extended Secrets Finder extension looks for hard-coded passwords, keys, tokens and secrets in code and configuration files. It enhances the capabilities of the built-in Flawnter secrets finder by employing an extensive library of over 1000 patterns. This wealth of pattern rules ensures a thorough search for hard-coded secrets in your codebase. If you prefer faster scans but still keep good detection rate, then set core to true in flawnter.cfg. Example: extension=extended-secrets-finder.jar|core:true. The core argument will run only the core rules for the extended secrets finder giving faster scans. Simply removing the argument including the pipe (|) character will run the full 1000+ rules. If you want to add your custom patterns, you can download and use our Custom Data Finder extension.

Find secrets and API keys

Over 1000 pattern rules

